How do you prepare and organize a construction site?

Preparing a construction site is a crucial stage in the process of ensuring that the work is properly organized and carried out. Legal duration, liability, documents and administrative procedures, stages to be respected: find out all our advice on how to prepare and organize a construction site.

How long does it take to prepare a site?

Preparing and organizing a construction site takes time and must comply with regulations. For this reason, a a preparation period is necessary for the preparation of all documents relating to the execution of the work. This period begins the day after the contractor is notified that the contract has been signed.

The duration of site preparation is notified in the Dossier de consultation des entreprises (DCE). The contractor hasa minimum legal period of one month to draw up the Specific Health and Safety Plan (PPSPS).

But preparation time also depends on the specific nature of the site, but also the nature of the contract. The Cahier des clauses administratives particulières (CCAP) sets a period of :

  • two months for public contracts;
  • three months for private contracts.

Who needs to prepare a site?

Preparing and organizing a worksite is an important phase in which several players are involved and have a role to play.

The project owner

The project owner has a number of responsibilities: he is the one who sets up the preparatory team, schedules the worksite and signs the worksite contract. He or she works closely with the project manager, the technical inspectors and, in some cases, the health and safety coordinator (CSPS).

The project manager

The project manager is in charge of project design They are responsible for drawing up the technical plan for the site, the tender documents, the special administrative specifications and the price lists.

The contractor

The contractor is responsible for carrying out the work, prepare the site, taking into account specifications, legal deadlines and safety regulations so that workers can work without risk.

What documents do I need to prepare a site?

Preparing and organizing a construction site involves drawing up the files and schedules needed to keep the project on track.

Site preparation file

The site preparation file must be by the contractor to the project manager. Several elements must be included in this file:

  • the site installation plan (PIC): a graphical document containing all the information required for the layout and layout of the worksite (lifting equipment, living quarters, storage areas, fencing, etc.);
  • the execution plans ;
  • visit site schedule ;
  • the Specific health and safety plan ;

visit details of the workforce on the site.

Work schedule

construction site preparationThis important document makes it possible to structuring the project over time This means that everyone involved knows when they have to work on the site, to carry out which tasks, and for how long.

The execution schedule also makes it possible to the number of workers assigned to the site. This information is vital if we are to provide sufficiently large living quarters to accommodate everyone, in compliance with the relevant regulations.

Preparing a construction site: what are the administrative formalities?

The proper preparation and organization of a construction site necessarily involves certain administrative formalities, including :

  • the Declaration of Intent to Begin Work (DICT) ;
  • l'ten-year insurance certificate ;
  • survey plan of networks and structures ;

information for local residents affected over their property, etc.

6 steps to prepare a construction site

To help you prepare and organize your worksite, here are 6 steps to follow:

  1. Make inventory the equipment needed for the site, as well as the workforce: remember to specify their specificities and downtime;
  2. Select all participants who will be involved on the site;
  3. Select materials and organize its delivery to the site;
  4. Place orders with suppliers The company's products and services include: equipment for workers, individual or collective equipment, materials, etc. ;
  5. Obtain all necessary administrative necessary ;
  6. Preparing the site with the installation plan: traffic routes, living quarters, etc.

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